王維: 獨在異鄉為異客, 每逢佳節倍思親。遙知兄弟登高處, 遍插茱萸少一人。

Wang Wei: Alone as a stranger in a foreign land distantly; On every festival
I miss my family dearly. Afar I know my brethren are height ascending;
Carrying sprays of dogwood without my attending.

Chongyang Festival 重陽節, also known as Double Ninth Festival 重九節,is
observed on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese calendar.
According to Yi Jing 易經, Yang 陽 is masculine, and Yin 陰 is feminine; odd
numbers are yang and even numbers, yin. Thus, number nine represents Yang
character. The number nine in the month and day gives rise to “double
Yang”, chong means double in Chinese; hence the name Chongyang Festival. 蓋
九為陽數,其日與月並應,故號曰重陽。Probably it was once a day for farmers
to celebrate their bountiful harvest.

There is a legend relating to this festival. In the Eastern Han dynasty, a
demon dwelled in the Nu River 汝河. Whenever it made its appearance, a great
number of the villagers would become ill and die. The parents of Hengjing 桓
景 lost their lives. Hengjing was heartrending and furious. He traveled to a
faraway land and located an immortal Taoist master, Fei Changfang 費長房. He
assiduously learned and practiced swordsmanship from Fei, hoping that he
could eradicate the murderous demon in the future.

One day, Fei told Hengjing that on the 9th day of the 9th month, the demon
would emerge and wreak havoc on his fellow villagers. The Taoist master
bestowed his student a special sword 降妖青龍劍 and advised him to lead the
people to the mountain top, carrying with them sprays of dogwood and cups of
chrysanthemum wine. The demon did show up at noon on the 9th day of the 9th
month. Hengjing had already led all the villagers up the mountain that
morning. The demon became befuddled by the intense fragrance of the dogwood
and strong scent of the chrysanthemum wine. Hengjing rushed down the
mountain and exterminated it with his sword.

The main tradition during the Chongyang Festival is outing to a high place
like mountain ascending or hiking. 九日天氣清,登高無秋雲。九日登高處,群山
入望賒。登高懷遠心如在,向老逢辰意有加。Thus, it is also known as Height
Ascending Festival 登高節. For those people residing in the plain regions,
they go up to the top of a tower or go for a picnic instead. Many family
outings are to visit the tombs of their ancestors and departed family
members with offering of food, burning joss sticks, paper money and paper
replica of houses, cars, etc.

Other customs are carrying a spray of dogwood 欲賦前賢九日詩, 茱萸相鬥一枝
枝。況有紫萸黃菊, 堪插滿頭歸; drinking chrysanthemum wine 賞秋暢飲菊花酒。何
當載酒來, 共醉重陽節。重陽佳節意休休, 與客攜壺共上樓。陶然共醉菊花杯; eating
Chong Yang cake and admiring the beautiful blooms of chrysanthemum. 待到重陽
日, 還來就菊花。菊花如我心,九月九日開;客人知我意,重陽一同來。滿園花菊鬱金
黃,中有孤叢色似霜。不是花中偏愛菊,此花開盡更無花。The dogwood custom has
been gradually fading away. And nowadays, people drink Chrysanthemum tea.

In Chinese, the word nine 九 is homophonic with the word jiu, 久 (for a long
time); and putting two nines together 九九 (久久) has come to symbolize
longevity. Double Ninth Day has been designated by the Chinese government as
Senior Citizens Day since 1989 to invigorate the traditional Chinese values
of filial piety 孝道. 百行孝為先, 善事父母為孝。And to pay respect and
express gratitude to the aged for their hard work and sacrifices. 孟子: 老
吾老以及人之老。 Many activities and entertainment for the elderly are held
on this festive day. 尊老登高歡度重陽節。

李清照: 薄霧濃雲愁永晝,瑞腦消金獸。佳節又重陽,玉枕紗櫥,半夜涼初透。東籬把