
A Sense of Empathy and Humanity

1 To those of us with a sense of empathy and humanity, I ask you to join me for a moment of silence in memory of the eight victims that died in the Atlanta ‘spa’ massacre. I know none of them, in particular the six slain Asian women. However, they all had to be someone’s [点击 More>>>]

Kernan’s Service Will Last Beyond His Lifetime

By Governor Eric Holcomb, State of Indiana His gubernatorial portrait greets me every day with a warm Hoosier smile as I walk into my Statehouse office. Ever since I took office, the hand-painted canvas has hung on the wall behind my desk as a daily reminder to put first the interests of the people [点击 More>>>]

About the Wuhan Coronavirus Respiratory Syndrome

By Benny Ko, M.D. All You Need To Know (for now) What is a coronavirus? A coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses that has in common proteinous spikes on its surface, giving it the appearance of a crown or halo under electron microscopy and for which it is named (corona: a crown). Some of these [点击 More>>>]