

李商隱: 絳節飄飄宮國來,中元朝拜上清回。羊權須得金條脫,溫嶠終虛玉鏡臺。會省驚眠聞雨過,不知迷路為花開。有城未抵瀛洲遠,青雀如何鴆鳥媒。 Zhongyuan Festival 中元節, also known as Ghost Festival 鬼節 or Hungry Ghost Festival [点击 More>>>]


杜牧: 菱透浮萍綠錦池,夏鶯千囀弄薔薇。盡日無人看微雨,鴛鴦相對浴紅衣。 After residing in Florida for the past decade, we are accustomed to the hot and humid weather. From time to time, we are refreshed by the cool ocean breeze. Seemingly, in the Sunshine State, [点击 More>>>]

Wang Zhaojun

杜甫:群山萬壑赴荊門,生長明妃尚有村;一去紫台連朔漠,獨留青塚向黃昏。畫圖省識春風面,環佩空歸夜月魂。千載琵琶作胡語,分明怨恨曲中論。   Wang Zhaojun was born in 52 BC during the Western Han Dynasty. She was intelligent and [点击 More>>>]

Mother’s Day

孟郊: 慈母手中線,遊子身上衣。臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸。誰言寸草心,報得三春暉。 Meng Jiao: Needle and thread held in mother’s fingers, Sewing a garment for her son the traveler. She keeps stitching without hinder, Worrying he may return late and wander. His [点击 More>>>]


曾子曰: 慎終追遠,民德歸厚。慎終者,喪盡其哀。追遠者,祭盡其敬。人君行此二者,民化其德,皆歸於厚也。(論語) Tseng Tzu: “Conduct the funeral of your parents with meticulous care and let not sacrifices to your remote ancestors be forgotten, and the [点击 More>>>]

What’s in the US Citizenship Act of 2021?

Hong-min Jun, attorney at law On February 18, 2021, Biden administration introduced a 353-page immigration reform bill, U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 (the Act), to the Senate and the House of Representatives. This reform bill includes an extensive amount of provisions covering a broad range of [点击 More>>>]

A Sense of Empathy and Humanity

1 To those of us with a sense of empathy and humanity, I ask you to join me for a moment of silence in memory of the eight victims that died in the Atlanta ‘spa’ massacre. I know none of them, in particular the six slain Asian women. However, they all had to be someone’s [点击 More>>>]


觀音詩: 金沙池嫋玉蓮馨,殿閣階墀盡水精。雲化路歧通萬國,風飄舟楫濟群生。座妝珪璧霜猶暗,衣綴珠璣月不明。若向險途逢八難,只勞心念諷持名。 Guan Yin was introduced into China probably during the first century. The origin of Guan Yin [点击 More>>>]


歐陽修: 去年元夜時, 花市燈如晝。月上柳梢頭, 人約黃昏後。今年元夜時, 月與燈依舊。不見去年人, 淚濕春衫袖。 Ouyang Xiu: Last year at the Yuanxiao Festival night; Lanterns in flower fairs shone so bright. Atop the willow tree the moon seemed; In that [点击 More>>>]
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