Check out these three Hoosier Chinese cultural videos as a warm-up for Chinese New Year!

To celebrate the Year of the Ox, IACA would like to joyfully share a set of three Chinese cultural videos delivered and produced by IACA, the Indianapolis Public Library, and contributors from the Hoosier community.

The video series is divided into three parts:

1. Scholastic Arts: Enjoy presentations on Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese tea ceremony, etc.

2. Art and Lifestyle: Watch cooking demonstrations on various Chinese specialties (including Dumplings, Shrimp in Tomato Sauce, Sweet Rice Dumplings, and Ginger Scallion Fish) and enjoy presentations on Tai Chi, Chinese martial arts, and garden landscaping.

3. Performing Arts: Enjoy a selection of classical Chinese music performances, Chinese dragon and lion dances, and more.

To watch these videos, you can either visit the Indianapolis Public Library event calendar at (register for the events on Feb 1, 2 and 3), or you view them directly via the Library’s YouTube channels below.

Scholastic Arts videoclick here

Art & Lifestyle videoclick here

Performing Arts videoclick here