China In The News


Joanna Zhou (周娜), now residing in Knoxville TN, immigrated to Indianapolis with her husband from Beijing in 2013, where she worked in Human Resources for a U.S. Fortune 500 company. She enjoys her new life with her husband and daughter and continue her career path with the same company in Tennessee. Joanna has kept in touch with her IAAT friends and readers by contributing to this column since 2014. 

Tesla launches Model Y program in Shanghai

U.S. electric carmaker Tesla officially launched its China-made Model Y program in its Shanghai gigafactory Tuesday, one year after the company broke ground on its first overseas plant. The first batch of China-produced Model 3 sedans was also delivered to its non-employee customers at an opening ceremony for the program.

Tesla broke ground on Jan. 7, 2019 on its first overseas factory in Lingang Area, a high-end manufacturing park in the southeast harbor of Shanghai. In October 2018, the company was approved to use an 864,885-square-meter tract of land in Lingang for its Shanghai plant, which is designed with an annual capacity of 500,000 electric cars.

中国造特斯拉开始交付 Model Y项目正式启动

特斯拉中国制造Model 3首批社会车主交付仪式1月7日下午在特斯拉上海超级工厂举行,10位车主获得中国造特斯拉车。在交付仪式上,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克与上海市市长应勇共同启动了中国制造Model Y项目。伴随着特斯拉销量的持续增长,业内认为国内新能源产业链上的供应商将会受益。一年前,特斯拉上海超级工厂破土动工;一年后,特斯拉上海工厂成为一座每周可产3000辆Model 3的超级工厂。

Over 2,100 companies promote new products in Hong Kong toys fair

The 46th Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair opened Monday, featuring different kinds of toy products showcased by more than 2,100 exhibitors from all over the world. Organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the show was the largest of its kind in terms of the scale of exhibitors that came from about 40 countries and regions. The show was organized into thematic zones including the Brand Name Gallery featuring more than 240 renowned brands, Smart-Tech Toys zone featuring toys and games that incorporated innovative technologies, and Kidult World showcasing toys for grown-ups such as magic and war game items. Joining the show for the first time, Hanvon, a technology company from Beijing, brought to the show their first ever toy product, a remote control bionic flying bird.

香港玩具展开幕 商家积极推出新产品拓宽市场


Audi sales in China hit new high in 2019

FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd., said its Audi brand set a new sales record in China in 2019. A total of 688,888 Audi vehicles were sold in China last year, up 4.2 percent year on year, and China maintained as Audi’s biggest single market in the world. Domestically manufactured models such as the new Audi A6L, new Audi Q5L, Audi A4L and other major models recorded strong performance, with the total sales reaching 630,800. A total of 58,088 imported Audi cars were delivered, with sales of the new Audi A8L rising 21.6 percent year on year to 12,428. Audi officially entered the Chinese market in May 1988.


新年伊始,奥迪率先公布了2019年全年销量。2019年奥迪累计销量达68.88万辆,同比增长4.2%。顺利完成今年年初制定的68.2万辆的销量目标。而受车市 “寒潮” 影响,今年下半年很多车企纷纷下调了全年销量目标,而奥迪坚持原定目标,并且还实现超额完成,实在难能可贵。其中,奥迪国产车型2019年累计销量达63.08万辆,同比增长5%。具体车型方面,奥迪A6L全年累计销量达13.11万辆、奥迪Q5L全年累计销量达13.89万辆、奥迪A4L全年累计销量达16.84万辆。此外,全新奥迪Q2L、全新奥迪Q3及奥迪A3合力贡献全年总销量的28%。

World’s first eWTP launched in east China

The first Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP) was officially launched Friday in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, according to local customs. On Friday morning, 39 packages were declared on the platform before they were sent to countries including Russia and Spain by mail. The eWTP initiative was proposed in 2016 by Jack Ma, founder of the e-commerce powerhouse Alibaba. It aims to promote public-private dialogue to improve the policy and business environment to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to participate in cross-border electronic trade. As China’s comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone, Hangzhou is leading the country in the development of cross-border e-commerce.



eWTP秘书处公共服务平台项目负责人汤立介绍,eWTP公共服务平台是整合了政务与商务等能力所搭建的政企合作服务平台,是为全球中小企业提供全球买全球卖的数字化基础设施。它整合了政府的通关、结汇、退税等服务,及企业所需的交易、金融、支付、物流、结算等能力,为中小企业提供通关、结汇、退税等一系列贸易便利化解决方案。杭州是全国首个跨境电子商务综合试验区,打造了全国领先水平的跨境电商 “杭州模式” 。 “杭州模式” 还通过eWTP平台,被复制推广至海外eWTP核心区域。汤立说,全球首个eWTP公共服务平台落地杭州,是典型的公私合作机制产物,参与共建的杭州海关与阿里巴巴集团前期碰撞出了非常多的点子,并在退税、结汇等方面都做了创新试点。

New China-Europe freight train service to Poland opens

A new freight train service was opened on Tuesday linking northwest China’s transport hub of Xi’an with Slawkow, Poland, in the hinterland of Europe by way of the Alataw Pass in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. After crossing China’s border through the Alataw Pass, the train will pass through Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine to reach Poland. Compared with the traditional shipping route, the rail service takes less time and involves fewer changes in trains during the long journey. Cargo sent via the freight train service can be distributed in Slawkow on container trucks to southeastern European countries.

新中欧班列开通 波兰港口喜迎“波罗的海列车”

格但斯克港迎来首列中欧班列 (波兰)格但斯克港迎来了首列中欧班列。这是中国 “一带一路” 倡议的一部分。这条新开通的中欧班列也叫 “波罗的海列车” 。新开通的班列将使从中国到格但斯克的运输时间从(海运的)40到45天大幅缩短为铁路运输的10到12天。波罗的海列车还将通过格但斯克的支线运输,将中国和英国及斯堪的纳维亚半岛之间的货物运输时间缩短为12到14天,将从汉堡港到上述地区的运输时间减少3到5天。