
文天祥: 山川如識我,故舊更無人。俯仰干戈跡,往來車馬塵。英雄遺算晚,天地暗愁新。北首燕山路,淒涼夜向晨。

Wen Tianxiang 文天祥 was born in Luling 廬陵 (Ji’an 吉安縣), Jiangxi Province 江西省 in 1256 during the Southern Song Dynasty. He witnessed hardship and suffering brought about by the relentless invasions of the Mongols. His father, a highly educated scholar, greatly influenced him to be studious and of high moral character. He envisioned that when he grew up, he would serve his country with utmost loyalty and eradicate the invading enemies.

When Wen was twenty-years old, he was bestowed the title of the top scholar 狀元. Since then he held different high official positions in the government, and eventually, was promoted to prime minister and concurrently served as a military affairs commissioner.

After the Mongols established Yuan Dynasty 元朝 ruled by Kublai Khan 忽必烈 in northern China, they mobilized a massive attack on Southern Song. The Yuan force was approaching Lin’an 臨安 (Hangzhou 杭州), the Song capital. The Song emperor commanded Wen as an envoy to negotiate a truce with the Yuan general. However, the negotiation failed, and Wen was detained by the Yuan troops; but he managed to escape. 幾日隨風北海游,回從揚子大江頭。臣心一片磁針石,不指南方不肯休。

He recruited an army to resist the Mongol invaders. Unfortunately, Wen’s troops were no match for the well-trained, well-equipped Yuan warriors. They were vanquished, and Wen was captured. He was imprisoned in Yuan’s capital, Dadu 大都 (Beijing 北京). 行行見羈束,斯人獨憔悴。欲覺聞晨鐘,青燈死分翳。

During his captivity, Wen was repeatedly urged by Yuan officials to compose an epistle to the remaining Song force convincing them to surrender; he was even promised a post in Yuan government. Wen vehemently refused. Tortures and enticements hardly deteriorated his righteousness, loyalty and patriotism. He composed the famous poem, Passing Lingdingyang 過零丁洋: 辛苦遭逢起一經,干戈寥落四周星。山河破碎風飄絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。惶恐灘頭說惶恐,零丁洋裡歎零丁。人生自古誰無死?留取丹心照汗青!The meaning of the last two legendary verses: “Since time immemorial, no men are immortal; let my loyal heart shine in the annals of history.” Wen also authored the Song of Righteousness 正氣歌: 天地有正氣,雜然賦流形。下則為河嶽,上則為日星。於人曰浩然,沛乎塞蒼冥。皇路當清夷,含和吐明庭。時窮節乃見,一一垂丹青….悠悠我心憂,蒼天慮有極!哲人日已遠,典刑在夙昔。風檐展書讀,古道照顏色。

After the Southern Song dynasty was annihilated in 1279, Kublai Khan urged Wen to surrender and serve him as the prime minister. He aspired to use Wen to control the Han Chinese population; because Wen was a highly respected Song prime minister and general. Nonetheless, Wen declined the offer. 一死之外,無可為者。 After three years of incarceration, Wen was executed in 1283, becoming a martyr. 自古英雄士,還為薄命人。壯志摧龍虎,高詞泣鬼神。一朝事千古,何用怨青春。

Wen unconditionally offered his ultimate sacrifice for his country and his principles. He wrote, “Confucius teaches benevolence and Mencius teaches righteousness. For the sake of righteousness, perfect benevolence could be attained. What else can a man learn from the sages? After my death, I will feel no qualms at all.” 絕命辭: 孔曰成仁,孟曰取義,唯其義盡,所以仁至;讀聖賢書,所學何事,而今而後,庶幾無愧,文天祥絕筆。Wen has been regarded as a symbol of righteousness, patriotism and loyalty as well as a national hero of ancient China. 忠肝義膽。司馬遷: 死有重於泰山,有輕於鴻毛。“Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.”

文天祥: 為子死孝,為臣死忠,死又何妨。自光岳氣分,士無全節;君臣義缺,誰負剛腸。罵賊睢陽,愛君許遠,留取聲名萬古香。后來者,無二公之操,百煉之鋼。人生翕歘云亡。好烈烈轟轟做一場。

About the author:

Dr. Patrick Lau was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to the U.S. after high school. He retired from the VA Northern Indiana Heath Care System where he served as Chief Radiologist and moved to Florida with his wife in 2011. He was an active member & contributor of IACA and ICMA while in Indiana. Dr. Lau is also a scholar of art and literature and a prolific writer, he has been a dedicated columnist for Indy Asian American Times since 2010.