以上帝的道為糧 — 四种心灵的食物

By Rick Warren 文/華理克牧師

“I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me” (Psalm 101:3 ESV).
“邪惡和下流的事,我不看一眼。我恨惡行事詭詐的人,絕不與他們有任何瓜葛。”(新普及譯本 詩篇 101:3 )

You’ll hear a lot of concern these days about water pollution and air pollution. And those concerns are important.

But there may be a more important pollution in our lives: mind pollution.

The Bible tells us that what we feed our minds is just as important as what we feed our bodies.

Psalm 101:3 says, “I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me” (ESV).
詩篇101:3 說: “邪惡和下流的事,我不看一眼。我恨惡行事詭詐的人,絕不與他們有任何瓜葛。”(新普及譯本)

When feeding your mind, you must choose from four kinds of content.

  1. Poison – 毒害食品

These are the concepts that will derange, degrade, or demoralize you. For instance, pornography will do that.

  1. Junk food – 垃圾食物

Most of the stuff on television is the mental equivalent of junk food. You’ll find little to no nutritional value in it. You can eat junk food, but you’re not going to get very wise.

  1. Brain food – 知識食品

This is the “good stuff.” It educates you in areas like math, history, English, and geography. You need to fill your mind with brain food. It’ll make you a well-rounded person.
這些是 “營養食品”,它教導你數學、歷史、英語和地理各項領域的知識。你需要將知識放進頭腦,成為一個全備的人。

  1. Super food – 優質食品

This is the Bible. God’s Word will teach you what you won’t find anywhere else. It answers fundamental questions like, “Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Does my life matter? Is there a purpose to my life? Is there meaning? Am I significant?” You’ll only get answers to those questions in the Bible. We need to feast on God’s Word daily.

Unfortunately, many of us fill up our brains with junk food, and we leave ourselves little time for reading the Bible. If you watch six to eight hours of television a day, you’ll have no time for God’s Word. Worse yet, you won’t even be hungry for God’s Word.

Let’s cut out the junk food, and learn to feast on the Bible. That’s how we become wise.

Talk It Over

Of the four kinds of “food” described in this devotional, which one do you consume the most? The least?

What’s one practical idea for spending more time consuming “brain food” and “super food”?

What kind of “junk food” media consumption are you the most susceptible to, and why?

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