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MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL 中秋 [Contributng Columnists]

劉禹錫: 天將今夜月,一遍洗寰瀛。暑退九霄凈,秋澄萬景清。星辰讓光彩,風露發晶英。能變人間世,翛然是玉京。 Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival, is observed on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month in the Chinese calendar. It was [点击 More>>>]


来源:阿司匹林42195 ( 十秒钟总结: 辉瑞疫苗(Pfizer/BioNTech):最先上市莫德纳疫苗(Moderna):主打美国阿斯利康/牛津大学疫苗(AstroZeneca/Oxford):价廉量大 [点击 More>>>]

Fall [Contribution Columnists]

杜牧: 遠上寒山石徑斜,白雲深處有人家。停車坐愛楓林晚,霜葉紅於二月花。 Time flies. 歲月如梭,時光荏苒。 My wife and I have been residing in Florida since leaving Indiana ten years ago. We enjoy the luxuriant greenery all year round. The green leaves [点击 More>>>]

Young-Hee Yedinak [Obituary}

Young-Hee Yedinak, CJI Board Member/Indy Asian American Times 64, of Indianapolis, passed away Saturday, February 8, 2020. Young-Hee was born in Seoul, South Korea and has lived in Indonesia and Vietnam before moving to the United States; eventually calling Indianapolis, IN home. Young-Hee was an [点击 More>>>]

Indy Business Bulletin

BlueIndy Calls It Quits in Indy BlueIndy is pulling the plug on its Indianapolis operations. The electric car-sharing service will end service in May, saying on its website “the service did not reach the level of activity required to be economically viable here.” Indy Startup Lands Incentives for [点击 More>>>]