
A Call for “Med Relief Donation to Wuhan, China”

20 As you may know, recently, Wuhan, a city with 11 million people in Central China, becomes the epicenter of an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus. As of February 1, death toll passes 250, with more than 10,000 infections confirmed in China. As the number of infections [点击 More>>>]

伤心 NBA传奇科比·莱恩特坠机

洛杉矶时间周日早上,已退役的NBA著名传奇科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)所乘坐的私人直升飞机,在加利福尼亚州卡拉巴萨斯市坠毁,机上包括科比本人及他二女儿吉亚娜在内的9人全部遇难,科比享年41岁。 [点击 More>>>]
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